Obama, the #1 mystery man of our times looks more and more like just an inexperienced poser who should have waited another 10 years to run for office, and now is learning as he goes instead of knowing ahead of time what to do. Is Obama a closet Marxist, closet Muslim, both, or neither? A Paul in Six Degrees of Separation? Find out how deep his rabbit hole goes with the Historyscoper's free Obamascope: http://historyscoper.com/obamascope.html
Obama, the #1 mystery man of our times looks more and more like just an inexperienced poser who should have waited another 10 years to run for office, and now is learning as he goes instead of knowing ahead of time what to do. Is Obama a closet Marxist, closet Muslim, both, or neither? A Paul in Six Degrees of Separation? Find out how deep his rabbit hole goes with the Historyscoper's free Obamascope: http://historyscoper.com/obamascope.html