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The Historyscoper's Obama Watch Blog

Friday, June 11, 2010

In concession to critics, Obama to meet BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward By Jon Ward


1 comment:

  1. My reply:

    BP brass to meet with Obama in the White House? The U.S. should instead arrest them all under U.S. terrorism laws and imprison them in Gitmo, and for once why not some special waterboarding using crude oil? :) That's not near enough. Seize all their assets, put the military in charge of their oil spill workers, and let the U.S. decide what damages to award the victims not BP. If all their assets aren't enough, bill Britain for the rest, and if they won't pay, let's invade and seize the crown jewels :) That said, I still don't get why Obama took an underground nuke next to the oil shaft to cave it in off the table, when it's the only sure way to stop the leak, and there are plenty of Russian advisers with experience in doing it during the Sovet days available cheap.



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